Featured products
A-ASR® - US3
The Mid-Frequency Acoustic Startle Response device is a humane and effective way to protect farmed fish from predators, such as seals and sea lions. Our award-winning technology first conditions predators to avoid low volume noise, and then a conditioning signal across a wide range of frequencies provokes a startle response.
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A-ASR® - RT1
The Flex and Ring are low-frequency protection systems that target marine predators such as seals and sea lions while avoiding the specialised hearing ranges of dolphins and porpoises. Flex and Ring protect farmed fish stocks while minimising disruption to marine mammal populations.
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Protect your fish farm against seal and sea lion break-ins with our non-acoustic A-Efence®. The A-Efence® is a marine grade surface electric fence designed for marine environments to keep seals and sea lions out of fish farm enclosures.
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Future innovations
Sustainable aquaculture is the future of fish production. Ace Aquatec is leading the charge with innovative new technologies.
A-ELECTROLICER™ will be the first humane and low-stress method of mechanical lice removal to guarantee good fish welfare during treatment. Its modular system will ensure the lowest impact on fish health and avoid lice developing resistance.
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